8Bit meets Web3

8Bit Web3
3 min readJan 30, 2023

8bitweb3 is a project that brings together the love of art, code and collectables. Founded by a small and passionate team, 8bitweb3 aims to create a wide range of NFT collections that excite and engage the digital art community.

Why 8Bit and what is Web3?

But before we bore you with the details of who 8BitWeb3 is lets look at why 8-Bit and how it fits in with Web-3.

Why 8-Bit?

8-bit refers to the type of computer graphics that was commonly used in video games and other digital media during the 1980s and early 1990s. It was characterized by a limited color palette and relatively low resolution, compared to modern computer graphics.

As artwork, 8-bit graphics have a distinctive aesthetic that is often seen as nostalgic and retro. This aesthetic has seen a resurgence in recent years, with many artists and designers incorporating elements of 8-bit graphics into their work.

In terms of how 8-bit graphics measure up as artwork today, it depends on one’s personal opinion. Some view 8-bit graphics as a product of their time and of limited artistic value, while others see them as a valuable and important part of digital art history.

Regardless of how one perceives 8-bit graphics as artwork, they are undoubtedly an important part of the cultural landscape, and have left a lasting impact on the world of digital art.

What about Web-3?

Now that we have a basic review on 8-Bit we need to look at Web-3 and see if we can find any comparisons.

Web 3 refers to the next generation of the internet, characterized by decentralized systems, enhanced privacy, and greater user control over data. Web 3 is based on blockchain technology and is seen as a more democratic and equitable alternative to the centralized systems that make up the current internet.

As far as measuring up as artwork today, Web 3 is not primarily focused on art, but rather on providing a new and improved infrastructure for the internet. However, Web 3 has the potential to have a significant impact on the world of digital art, by providing artists with new tools for creating, sharing and selling their work in a decentralized and more equitable way.

It is still early days for Web 3 and its impact on digital art is yet to be fully realized. However, with the rise of NFTs and other blockchain-based art initiatives, it is clear that Web 3 has the potential to revolutionize the way artists and collectors interact and transact.

In conclusion, while Web 3 is not primarily focused on art, it has the potential to significantly change the landscape of digital art and its role in the broader cultural context.

Introducing Poko Porcupine

The first NFT collection from 8bitweb3 is Poko Porcupine, a unique and limited collection of 999 NFTs, each with its own distinct characteristics. The team behind 8bitweb3 has put together a collection that showcases their love for the art of NFT creation and their commitment to making each piece truly one-of-a-kind.

With their focus on art, code and collectables, 8bitweb3 is set to become a leading player in the NFT space, offering collectors and enthusiasts alike the chance to own a piece of digital art history. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or new to the world of NFTs, 8bitweb3 has something to offer.

For more details on Poko Porcupine and how to pick up your very own Poko visit our Twitter page. Thank you for reading and hope to see you in 8BitWeb3.

