Dino Evolution- The Start

3 min readOct 15, 2022

Millenniums ago Dinos had their end. A catastrophic asteroid came barreling down finishing a reign that had lasted over 180 million years, those that survived the impact died in the treacherous conditions left by the comet. Only a few survived in the lowest, darkest places of this planet. Where will you find your Dino? Will he survive these unlivable conditions and evolve to the next stage?

The Family

Without no hope of what lies within, they have been able to evolve through out different stages, adapting to numerous circumstances but the battle for survival is becoming intense, the big question still remains, will the few remaining Dinos survive?

But how will they survive without your help? Your Dino needs to evolve to it’s ultimate form or else calamity awaits, doom is knocking, after surviving numerous tribulations, they are now left to be consumed by natural selection

Even in the face of uncertainty they are still coordinated, striving as a pack to survive, the giant dwarf Dinos are the protectors, acting under the intelligence gathered by CL4 (Dino Brain) they guard the park, with Class 5 as the Elders using their infinite wisdom to solve life bugging issues, Class 3, Baby Dinos are the future of the park while Class 2 serves as logistics Lastly, Class 6, the ultimate predators, it is still puzzling how they have been so coordinated even in the midst of adversary and troubles

Dino Evolution is designed to bring to life natural selection and evolution . Stake your Dino and see it evolve into its ultimate form. Each time it evolves you will earn a multiple of $DINO. The more evolved your DINO, the greater multiple yield of $DINO will be earned. However, when/if your $DINO is un-staked there will be a 10% chance of your $EVLV and your NFT to be burned by natural selection.

Ages of Evolution

This project was created to resemble a prehistoric era of our world. There are many that lose faith, but there are those who believe and survive by rebuilding the foundation of a new civilization to come.

We came together to build this evolving on-chain metadata gameplay to explore these previous events and bring multiple rewards for our holders (those who stake for $EVLV). Remember once staking is opened don’t miss the opportunity to make a change in the prehistoric world.

We have decided to do a stealth mint to avoid batters, paid promo, scammers, and fake projects stealing our art and concepts. We are creating something that has never been done before.

