Geishas & Gardens
12 min readDec 30, 2022

In this article, we shall delve into the forthcoming launch procedure of G&G, while also offering a comprehensive analysis of the collection. Additionally, we shall provide a detailed terms & conditions section. Without further ado, let us commence our exploration!

SAMPLE NFTs (left-to-right): geisha, tsukimono, geisha


Collection: Geishas & Gardens
Chain: ETH Mainnet
Marketplace: OpenSea
Launch date: February 6–7, 2023
Mint price: FREE! (+ gas fees)
Token type: ERC-721
Total supply:
4444 NFTs
Creators fee: 7.5%


Our genesis collection “Geishas & Gardens” consists of 4444 fictional female character portraits, all of which are randomly generated on-chain pixelated digital artworks, composed of +500 detailed, complex and diverse set of hand-drawn assets including an immense variety of magical items and garments, placed inside nature-themed, spooky or enchanted settings.

The characters are divided into 2 factions and 7 categories.


The lore of G&G begins with the magical spirits called “Yōkai” who travel through inter-dimensional portals and spread throughout the land. The Yōkai aim to conquer the Enchanted Forest, where Geishas lived peacefully. As they prepare for their invasion, the Yōkai start by possessing small groups of Geishas and turning them into mindless vessels known as “Tsukimono.” The common people are split, with some supporting the Geishas and others joining the Tsukimono. The G&G collection is balanced, with half being the treacherous Tsukimono and the other half being brave Geishas trying to protect the Enchanted Forest.

SAMPLE NFTs (left-to-right): tsukimono, geisha, tsukimono


  1. Merchant: supplier of goods (rarity: common)
  2. Author: recorder of stories (rarity: uncommon)
  3. Artist: illustrator of events and sceneries (rarity: uncommon)
  4. Courtesan: inter-dimensional spy (rarity: rare)
  5. Warrior: defenders or the invaders of the land (rarity: epic)
  6. Witch: supernatural leaders of both sides (rarity: legendary)
  7. Goddess: deities from each dimension (rarity: mythic)


Although the NFTs are randomly generated on-chain pixelated artworks, the randomness of this process is restricted by certain rules that we set concerning aesthetical harmony and conceptual consistency. Each of these unique art pieces are safely stored on-chain as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

SAMPLE NFTs (left-to-right): geisha, tsukimono, geisha



In Web 3, many NFT developers are unclear about what they are offering. Some choose to keep their product definition vague and create a distorted image, which inflates demand and misleads collectors. However, as G&G team, we are transparent about the definition of our creations. There is a distinct difference between 1. an “on-chain digital art collection” and 2. an “NFT project.” An on-chain digital art collection utilizes NFT technology to provide secure and decentralized distribution and ownership of assets authenticated by the blockchain, but does not necessarily offer additional developments or future benefits to its collectors. On the other hand, an NFT project has a different structure and often comes with a precise roadmap that promises a wide range of further utilities (free airdrops of more art, entertainment, games, exclusive networking opportunities, yacht parties, staking/yield farming mechanics, etc). We define G&G as 1. an “on-chain digital art collection.”

Geishas & Gardens is an independent art collection established by Yokai Labs and is not associated with any other entities. NFTs in this collection are artworks created with the purpose of allowing collectors ownership over a limited edition collectible with aesthetic value, and therefore, are not promoted as investment vehicles. G&G NFTs are meant to primarily function as artistically valuable, entertaining, and fun, digital collectible assets. These NFTs are not created with the initial purpose to be viewed as financial instruments. Therefore, the G&G team does not make any promises or guarantees regarding the future value of the G&G NFTs at any given moment in time. In this regard, our team promises no financial gains to the collectors. Meaning, minting or secondary-market trading of G&G NFTs are actions taken by collectors purely out of their own free will. In respect to that, the G&G team takes absolutely zero responsibility in financial losses that the minters/collectors may experience while holding or trading G&G assets, due to various possible reasons that may include individual FOMO-trading, speculations/manipulations made by 3rd-parties, high volatility of secondary market prices, changes in the trade volume of the collection, changes in public interest for the collection & etc.


Our website serves as a platform for users to mint digital collectibles from the G&G collection, electronically. Users are solely responsible for securing and managing their own Ethereum blockchain wallets. Transactions on the blockchain network cannot be undone or retrieved by us. By using our website and any attached services, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the terms & conditions stated in this article before attempting to mint NFTs from our collection. By accessing or utilizing any aspect of the website and its offerings, you agree to be bound by these terms.


Geishas & Gardens (G&G) is a digital art collection, and its initial purpose is to be enjoyed by its community for its aesthetics and art value. Each digital artwork from the G&G collection is tokenized and represented by an NFT on web 3.0 through the implementation of blockchain technology. G&G team choses to utilize blockchain technology for a good number of reasons. Each unique art piece from the G&G collection is safely stored on-chain as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). It is simply the best way to prove the authenticity and ownership of digital artworks since they are kept in the collectors’ personal decentralized wallets, strictly without the secondary access of a mediator or any third-party, as the collectors exclusively own the private keys to their wallets. Moreover, NFTs provide digital artworks maximum safety, functionality and community exposure through their on-chain authenticity, popular trading platforms, and innovation value. NFT is a technological tool that also allows its owner the fastest, cheapest, most secure, and most accessible online trading experience for digital artworks, as more and more prestigious NFT marketplaces become mass-adopted.


Collectors own the rights to their G&G NFTs and to any NFTs from the possible sequel collections that may get airdropped to them by our team. Collectors who own art from the G&G collection have the right to use, copy, and modify(off-chain) the art without paying royalties, worldwide. This does not include secondary market trading, as the G&G team holds the rights to earn royalties from each NFT sale from the G&G collection. G&G collectors are free to utilize the specific NFTs they own to create a personal brand or for other commercial purposes, without using the G&G name (“G&G”, “Geishas & Gardens”), branding, logo, or trademark. Collectors have the right to expand the lore of their personal G&G NFTs by writing adventure stories and character descriptions, building new games or creating merchandise for that specific character, and may utilize their G&G NFTs in other personal businesses/services, all without using the G&G name (“G&G”, “Geishas & Gardens”), branding, logo, or trademark. All of this creative and commercial freedom is strictly limited to the G&G NFTs that each collector owns, and does not include any rights or usage permissions over the G&G brand, individually layered assets, and/or the collection as a whole. Proof of ownership for all G&G NFTs is verified on the public Ethereum blockchain. This on-chain verification grants owners the rights specified in this paragraph (section 4). However, if any G&G NFT leaves your possession through trade/transfer, all your personal and commercial use rights and benefits will be revoked, and transferred to the new owner of that specific NFT.


Our team owns the ownership and intellectual property rights for the names “Geishas & Gardens” and “G&G” as used on the blockchain and in relation to our products. All rights to the Geishas & Gardens name, brand identity and further generative usage of individual assets to create more NFTs are reserved for the G&G team (Yokai Labs). The G&G team exclusively holds the commercial rights to keep building the collection into an extended collection, project or ecosystem, using its visual identity and initial lore, if they decide to create more artworks, games, metaverse products, IRL merchandise, and more within the Geishaverse. All rights that are not explicitly granted to the users and holders of G&G tokens are reserved for the team. This includes, but is not limited to, official logo, trademarks, the website, the brand and character aesthetics, the smart contract code, and any other items not specifically mentioned as granted to collectors in section 4. We also reserve the right to utilize your NFT assets for any marketing purposes.


The use of Geishas & Gardens NFT licensed materials must be in their entirety and complete image, with the exception of the background which may be removed during off-chain usage (i.e. merch). The commercial usage of individual expressions and traits is reserved for the G&G team, and it is prohibited to be used outside of the complete image. These individually layered files are proprietary works of G&G team (Yokai Labs). Creating counterfeit NFTs, also known as knock-offs of G&G art is prohibited and will result in legal action by the law firm of Yokai Labs. Any attempt to pass off these knock-off collections as genuine G&G creations will be reported and subject to legal action. Participants are not allowed to use any G&G licensed materials in any way that is illegal, fraudulent, offensive, or otherwise objectionable. G&G is not responsible for any charges made against the holder if the assets are used incorrectly and against our terms and conditions. The holder shall not use G&G licensed materials in any way that could be misconstrued as being adverse or derogatory to the image of G&G or any of its subjects/partners.


“Minting” of a G&G NFT represents the exchange of value between the G&G team and the collector. Minting of a G&G NFT is an on-chain transaction that confirms and authenticates the official sale of a specific digital artwork from our collection in exchange for ETH, as the “value of art” is exchanged for its “initial financial value”, determined by our team, which is 0.00 ETH (free) + gas fees (we earn nothing from gas fees).

“A secondary market purchase” of a G&G NFT involves the exchange of value between multiple collectors, which is an independent transaction beyond our control. The “artistic value” of the NFT is traded for its “subjectively agreed upon financial value” between the two independent parties, which is then authenticated by the Ethereum blockchain in each individual secondary market transaction. Our team earns a creator’s fee of 7.5% for each secondary market exchange of a G&G NFT, which is later distributed as dividends among our team members based on their individual share percentages.


Upon deploying our contract in stealth and before we announce it to our community, all 4 core members of our team will be given access to mint 10 G&G NFTs each for their extraordinary efforts, as we’ve been building this collection and community almost for a year now, without being backed by a VC or any sort of investor. Therefore, we decided that this is a fair amount to be reserved for each builder in our team.

We will also mint 100 NFTs for our team-vault, strictly to be distributed to possible future partners, investors, and/or collectors due to various reasons and/or occasions that may arise such as integrations, investments, special raffles and so on.

Then begins the private mint window for the Stealth Listed members of our community. We believe that it is only fair and ethical to let our community know prior to our launch that the G&G private mint session will be overallocated. Everyone with the Stealth List role on our Discord server will have the same chance to mint a maximum of 2 G&G NFTs for free (only gas fees will apply, and gas costs may vary) from our contract. We will announce our launch briefly after we deploy the contract, on a private channel called #✨secret-garden in our Discord server which is only visible to the Stealth Listed members.

In the announcement, we will tag the Stealth List role, and provide them equal opportunity to mint during this brief private mint window. In this regard, Stealth List does NOT mean a guaranteed mint. It is simply a FCFS between a limited group of people with a certain role on our Discord server. Those who aren’t fast enough to mint, and therefore fail to mint a G&G NFT for free, do not have the right to make any demands from our team or cannot claim any rights over any G&G NFTs from the collection, as they were never guaranteed a spot.

The G&G team cannot be held responsible by users who may lose variable amounts of ETH in gas fees during failed transactions due to a potential congestion in the Ethereum chain caused by a high volume of transaction requests. This is because we do not control any blocks or nodes of Ethereum, and therefore, we can neither set any gas fee standards nor send you ETH that you may lose during a failed mint transaction. We also do not earn any revenue from the gas fees, as it all goes to the network validators of the Ethereum blockchain.


Our secondary market royalty fee is set at 7.5%. All of the secondary market royalties revenue will be periodically shared as dividends between our team members, according to their individual share percentages. As a team of individuals from different creative backgrounds, we prioritize the value of art in our NFTs above everything else. In regards to that, our artist has the highest share percentage.


After the launch of the genesis collection, the G&G team does NOT promise any further development or utilities. This means that the team does NOT promise any sequel collections, a P2E (Play to Earn) game, a P4F (Play For Fun) game, NFT-staking mechanism/yield farm, in-game token, farm token, any sort of sustainable tokenomics, IRL merchandise, free airdrops of more art, entertainment, games, exclusive networking opportunities, yacht parties, & etc.

The G&G team holds the rights to internally vote about deciding whether if they would like to keep extending the collection into an expanded project through any of the areas of development stated in the paragraph above.


Collectors are solely responsible for any tax liabilities that may result from minting, trading, or owning G&G NFTs.


After our launch, we will introduce roleplay elements in our Discord server, linked to a storyline that we have crafted in regards to the Geishaverse lore. Two roles called “Geisha Allies” and “Tsukimono Allies” will be introduced as battling opponents, to enhance the fun factor of being a G&G collector. Although we trust our community to be responsible, woke and respectful individuals, we have also created a “Roleplay Guide” to ensure a safe environment for everyone. We are approaching this situation with extra caution, as we won’t be tolerating any sort of offensive behavior from our community members and we will be banning those who engage in hurtful conversations.


The terms and conditions of G&G NFTs are subject to revision, and we reserve the right to make changes at any time. It is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions regularly. By holding a G&G NFT, you signify your acceptance and agreement to be bound by the current terms and conditions.

SAMPLE NFTs (left-to-right): tsukimono, geisha, tsukimono



Geishas & Gardens

A magical lore-crafting experience including Geishas, enchanted Gardens, interdimensional spirits, dragon eggs, and more. Hand-drawn traits. Soon on Arbitrum!