A glimpse into The Dragonverse

LRD Inferno
4 min readFeb 19, 2022

Part 1 : The Genesis

In April 2021, Kaizer (my NFT collection co-founder) and I discovered the NFT world. We did need a few weeks to really understand what it was all about. Diving into this magnificent world, we started to think about releasing our own collection of NFTs.

We didn’t find the inspiration for weeks, then, some June morning, Kaizer called me up “Let’s go mate, we’re going to draw some dragons”. Hence, we started drawing the 20 different dragons from Angry Dragons.

We created a collection of 10.000 Angry Dragons on the Ethereum blockchain. Finding the right price was not easy, as Bored Apes minted a few months earlier for 0.08 ETH, and many collections were selling out between 0.03 and 0.08E. We decided to go for 0.039 ETH for the Angry Dragons after quite a few hours arguing about the price.

Part 2: The Release

Early September 2021, the Angry Dragons are released. But the launch is disappointing for us. A few mints, and an entire project seeming to drown within the next hours, despite thinking we had a really cool collection. Now, with a little bit of recoil on the situation, we can clearly see that our communications skills were just bad, and the project did not take off as we thought because of a lack of communication with the whole community, doubled by a too short period of promoting.

Angry Dragons NFT seemed to fall in an abyss forever, with it the dream of building a cool community based on humor, dragons and fun drawings. We did try another few things, collections and unique NFTs, but we were kind of desperate and thinking “after all, the NFT world is not for us”.

Part 3: Now

A few weeks ago, after diving deeply into Twitter NFT topics, and actually getting to know the NFT space better, and after seeing projects succeeding, failing, the whole NFT Twitter dramas, we thought to ourselves “Why shouldn’t we give it another try?

After all, we had the collection already up on the blockchain. We were actively thinking of coming back in the game after really getting to know the NFT world. And now, we have plenty of time to build a strong community and be active on social medias, interacting more with people believing in us.

Yes but how do you recover from a disappointing launch? We wanted to bring utility, fun, into our project, with a touch of originality. From the beginning of my life (as long as I could write on a piece of paper), I always loved to write some stories, little novels (about secret agent stuff, mostly). This helped us to find the idea.

Why am I telling you that? This is only to introduce this idea that actually got us back in the NFT train, and it’s books. A few weeks before the idea, watching the Arcane show, I really clicked with the idea of developing some lore and build a community around it. But connections weren’t made in my head yet.

Part 4: The Dragonverse

The Dragonverse’s banner

Naturally, we’re going to talk about The Dragonverse. This universe is the logical sequel to Angry Dragons. Owning an Angry Dragon grants you a lifetime membership in the Dragonverse. Everything touching The Dragonverse will be designed for owners.

Getting your membership ensures you classic stuff like airdrops and 1/1s, but the most important part to us is books.

The 1st novel that we’re writing is called “Dragonverse: The Mystery”, referring to the rise of the Angry Dragons, and their dominance on our little planet. The scenario is clear in our heads, and we are actively developing the story.

We will come up with 3 novels, to build a saga. The cool part is, that every owner of an Angry Dragon token will be able to claim the books for free (and more stuff, but more on that later).

Part 5 (I know you’re getting tired, so straight to the point) A new release!

The Roadmap

On March 12, 2022, the Angry Dragons will, once again, come out of stasis. Every owner will be part of The Dragonverse, and will be able to claim the whole saga.

Pieces : 10.000

Price : 0.039 ETH

Where: https://angrydragonsnft.com

For the latest news, follow our Twitter account: https://twitter.com/AngryDragonsNFT

If you’re seeing this, thanks A LOT for reading this article, even though you wouldn’t get onboard with us for a long trip in The Dragonverse.

LRD Inferno



LRD Inferno

Creator of The Dragonverse, I like Web3 stuff, cars, memes (sometimes the 3 together).