Monster Numberz

ENS for degENS

Monster Numberz
6 min readJul 11, 2022

Despite increasing uncertainty in the NFT market, Monster Numberz has landed and is ready to make its mark (@MonsterNumberz). On Web3, we know that few things matter more than numbers, so let’s take a closer look.

Monster Numberz is a collection of 9,999 fake domainz living on Ethereum Blockchain which will serve as a pass to enter the Monster Numberz ecosystem — degens, let’s have fun again!

By holding a fake Monster Numberz domain you’ll get the access to download more than 50 bannerz (3,000 x 1,000 px) + numberz combination based on your unique number and a lot more shitty art to be announced.

Fake Monster Numberz Domain — Sneak Peek
Banner downloadable from the site — Sneak Peek

Customize your social profile with your randomly-generated Monster Numberz banner. Represent yourself through a number which could also be the number of your favourite NFT, or even your Discord ID.

Every number minted will be randomly generated, without exception. We’re all used to minting NFTs and waiting impatiently for the reveal to see if our purchase matches our taste. With Monster Numberz, we’re giving you the freedom to trade your number with the one you really want.

We truly believe that volume generated on the secondary market is really important both for the project and for holders. Numbers can be strictly personal for many people in the space — this is how volume on secondary will be generated. If you don’t think your first number is too special, it will surely be to someone else’s taste!

Holders decide which 4-digits is worth to get because it represent something special for them. We are not ENS, we are Monster Numberz.

This collection has no 1/1s or special traits. The goal of Monster Numberz has always been to associate rarity with the number itself. It’s a generative collection, but there are no traits like regular PFP collections. They are all 1/1 designs in various colors and combined with different backgrounds.

Take your customization to the next level.

Roadmap — Phase 1

Our vision is to build a community-driven project. We give you a random 4-digit banner, but only you can choose its value.

We want to start by giving you one NFT, then the game will officially start on secondary market. You can trade, buy and sell your number and pick the ones that represent something special for you.

Fake Monster Numberz Domain — Sneak Peek

We built an anti-grind and full-degen community in our Discord server. GIFs and memes are our language, so if you can speak them fluently, you’re more than welcome.

We have established collabs with successful NFT projects and alpha groups including Doodles, Llamaverse, Project Godjira, Illogics, Cyber Turtles, Lyke Island, Fount Gallery, Dads, Deskheads, Beasts and many more.

After the first phase, every holder will be able to download all the banners based on its number through the website — you’ll have lots of graphic layouts to choose from including the ones based on our official collabs and many other well-known projects in the space. If you hold a Monster Numberz, just connect your wallet to access the customization page.

Here are some template examples:

BAYC — Custom Banner
Doodles — Custom Banner
Llamaverse — Custom Banner
Project Godjira — Custom Banner
Dads — Custom Banner
Illogics — Custom Banner
Lyke Island — Custom Banner
Deskheads — Custom Banner

Holding 1 fake Monster Numberz domain will then give you access to multiple banners and multiple numbers style by simply connecting your wallet to our website.

Roadmap — Phase 2

Tired of your design? Don’t worry. We’ll give you the chance to modify your fake Monster Numberz domain with new and cool design and have a dynamic NFT that you can modify each time.

We are degen, but we truly believe in the art and in our community. On the second phase of the project, after the mint we want to continue building something special for our holders.

Through a series of activities you will be able to earn points that will give you the ability to modify the metadata of your fake Monster Numberz domain.

Fake Monster Numberz Domain — Sneak Peek

The new designs will have several rarities and also some specials 1/1s, designed by The Social Trauma and other great artists we will be collaborating with.

Some activities that will earn you points:
- Number of views on your fake Monster Numberz domain;
- Activities within the server;
- Riddles and games;
and more TBA.

In addition, we are planning some airdrops for some of our holders.
More to be announced…

Roadmap — Phase 3

Real domainz? 👀

The Artist behind Monster Numberz

Davide Ferrario, aka The Social Trauma (@TheSocialTrauma), is a 40-year-old tattoo artist and fully-doxxed NFT artist and collector within Web3.

His skills include over 10 years of experience in tattoos, art and illustration, as well as fashion industry design (Abeler & Bro, Glassing Sunglasses, Off White) and social media management.

Davide started his journey within Web3 in December of 2021, joining the Invisible Friends family. In the past couple of months, he has grown his network and established many collaborations within the space.

The passionate artist is also working on “Alphabet”, a charity project working alongside other well-known figures in the space, including Blue Cap Collective (@BlueCapCo) and Ashley Best (@AshleyBest) from Lyke Island.

Davide sold his first 1/1 “Deekay’s Mansion” on Foundation for 0.50 ETH.

Animated version:

The Social Trauma’s digital art style is unique and his attention to detail is clear for all to see.

In June 2022, Davide started his new, free-mint project: Monster Numberz.

Naruto Numberz

It’s all about the art, the meme and the community. Trust the process.

