Artwork by Pixcasso

3 min readMay 12, 2022

Who is Pixcasso?

Pixcasso his real name Deon. He started his crypto story in 2018 he worked in the construction as a gap year and he put part of his money that he earned into crypto. When the Corona crisis broke out and all the markets completely collapsed, he never thought of it to go all in crypto. And that was one of the best decisions he ever made. Why does nft appeal to him so much? Nft has a lot of opportunities and it is quite new to make a nice start. The idea of starting my own project has been itching me for a long time. Do everything in your own way and carry out your creative ideas the way you want.

Artificial intelligence art,

Artificial intelligence art is one of the most fun ways to create your own art. You have an idea in your head and the computer creates the idea for you as a beautiful piece of art. Every image is unique and no one is the same and no one could ever recreate it not even the computer. Since it works on algorithms you choose your idea, the computer searches for an estimate around 1000 images with your idea and eventually turns it into 1 great piece of art. And myself really likes to edit it with colors and making it into an animation.

Collection explanation,

Collection 1 is the key to enter our next processes and new collections I’ll give you a hint while reading keep the key very well in your hands because we are becoming more exclusive and rare. What do I mean by that? Our supplies collection is getting smaller and smaller Gen 1= 500 Gen 2= 250 Gen 1 pfp= 125. Why are we doing this? So that people continue sticking with their amazing purchase and so we can really make the holders motivated to stay strong by us and together. because this is certainly not the end of this more about that later. Exclusive and free that sounds like a great combination….

Next Collection plans,

Collection Gen 1, Supply: 500 (minted out) (mint price free)

Collection Gen 2, Supply: 250 Animated (In progress) (Price free)

Collection Profile Picture Gen 1, Supply: 125 (Coming soon) (Price free)

Gen 2, How to get access? Holding 2 items from Gen 1.

Collection Profile Picture Gen 1, How to get access? Holding 4 items Gen 1, And 1 item Gen 2, Why a vending machine with art in it? Read further….

Free mint collective,

What is Free Mint Collective? Free mint collective is a launchpad/Nft magazine where creators can register and launch their upcoming nft projects. But what are the benefits of this? Free mint collective is a kind of promotion as a launch platform where all the information and details about a project are located, people can easily read about the project and about the founders of the project. With possible kyc vertification and necessary safety measures. But then why the name free mint collective? Now well holders of the 3 collections can generate tokens that they can exchange for free mint tickets from the launching collections on the platform. Here an example of the tokenomics just a sketch for now.
Gen 1, 10 tokens per day
Gen 2, 20 tokens per day
Gen pfp, 30 tokens per day
Which they can exchange for a free mint ticket for any project where they want to participate on. And of course we can make the prices of each ticket variable with project requirements with supply and demand.

