Shattered EON: Sci-Fi, Strategy, NFTs

Shattered Eon
10 min readMar 28, 2022

Shattered EON is a Sci-Fi inspired, Ethereum-based, strategy game which incorporates the earning power of defi with a series of unique and utility packed dystopian-retro style NFTs.

Shattered EON takes inspiration of its mechanics from popular on-chain projects that have paved the way for this concept, but moves gameplay into a new universe of deep story, multi-tiered decision courses, and artifact acquisition and discovery, with a new twist on quality of art and user experience. Players will experience mining, settlements, migration, piracy, kidnapping, power struggles, and perhaps even all out war for supremacy of the planet Pytheas.

We believe value is generated through quality and community, fun and engaging strategic gameplay, and rewarding collections of NFTs.

We have implemented several full-featured contracts for our game and this offers a plethora of expansion potential along with extra security to pinch off branches of game flow that need modification at any given time without flipping the switch off completely.

The developers of Shattered EON have scoured the code and events surrounding many previous attempts at this concept. As there have been a series of exploits and pauses that have cropped up in these games, our developers have sought to learn from these pitfalls and rectify them, while precluding others. Shattered EON is intended to be a seamless, though episodic experience. As with others, the contracts will be verified on Etherscan. Pauses may be implemented to upgrade functions or cull new attempts at penetrating the fairness of our systems. This is still very much the wild west and everything is subject to change at a moment’s notice. Our team is diligent and will have extra support available post launch to monitor data.

Our goal is to create a sustainable, vast, engrossing world that continues to unfold with new layers, adventures, and surprises. The Shattered EON Team has planned to provide a lasting experience rather than an overhyped, ephemeral monetary swap.

The Planet Pytheas: Road to the Interior

Initially, Shattered EON will be composed of three Orbits of play and storyline:

Orbit 1: The EON Rush

  • Colonists acquire Imperial Guild claims on Pytheas and begin mining rEON and building their settlements
  • Ai-Lax Pirates build their blockade around Pytheas: kidnapping, taxing, and robbing
  • Ancient secrets within the planet are discovered and revealed

Orbit 2: The First Revelation

  • The first secret of Pytheas is revealed during a streamed video event
  • Qualifying Colonist ranks acquire new settlements, terraform them and begin to build. *The overseer is born*
  • Base expansion and exploration themed gameplay begins / intensifies as tensions grow between the Colonists, Pirates, the Guild, and an unrevealed force.

Orbit 3: The Power of Pytheas

  • TBA


  • TBA


In the beginning, Colonists mine rEON—a raw, unprocessed form of Eonite deposits. The workers are represented by their unique, generated NFTs. These will serve to form the initial basic utility of the game and will be required throughout to participate in most mechanics.

Colonists Prepared to mine Pytheas for Fortune and Glory

Mint — Acquired at a 100% likelihood for gen 0, these Colonists are the genesis of the game.

Stake — Colonists acquire 2,700 rEON worth of Eonite deposits per day (24 hours) in the mines of Pytheas.

Claim — Protected only on the planet surface by the Guild armies, Colonists are required to transport their collected Eonite to orbiting cargo ships. However Ai-Lax Pirates have a blockade in place and require a 20% tax for safe passage.

Unstake — Some Colonists have been known to attempt to flee their claims with their accumulated EON wealth. The Imperial Guild has dictated that claims must be mined for a minimum of 2 days prior to renunciation. Pirates despise the loss of tax and will attempt to catch Colonists’ ships in transit. If successful (50% chance), the Colonist will be robbed of all their rEON. Take care.

Defect — Colonists have been known to become disenchanted with eking out a living on Pytheas. Occasionally, when they run into an Ai-Lax Pirate Ship the Pirates will offer them a place among their dastardly ranks. Should a Colonist choose to accept, they are required to offer a tribute of their rEON as entry into the shared pool of spoils collection. But beware, Pirates seek to kidnap newly arriving (rEON minted) Colonists.

Colonist Generations: Astute players will observe that each of their Colonists bears a badge in the upper left hand corner which indicates their generation of minting.

Ai-Lax Pirates

Ai-Lax Pirates are marauders most insidious. Their orbital blockade enables them to tax and rob Colonists as well as kidnap newly arriving (i.e. rEON or EON minted) Colonists.

Ai-Lax Pirate Kakain Space Chariots display their Rank Jewels

Minted Pirates will be represented by their unique Kakain Spaceship NFTs. Some Pirates are of a more senior status (ranked between 5 and 8 when generated). The higher the rank the higher the percentage of stolen EON and mints that will be acquired.

Mint — Players can only join the ranks of the Ai-Lax Pirates by renouncing their life as a Colonist and paying the annexation fee (sacrificing their Colonist NFT and the currently required minting cost in rEON depending on epoch). Their scarcity and attributes make them powerful game characters. The chance of success will scale on a ratio basis between the amount of Colonists in circulation versus Pirates.

So, for example, if there are 15,000 Colonists and 750 Pirates that currently exist, this would mean a 95–5 ratio which should always be closer to 90–10, that factor will increase your chances for a Pirate the lower the pool is for those assets.

tl;dr: less Pirates equals higher Pirate mint likelihood. And if your attempt fails you only pay gas and 20% tax on claimed rEON for selected Colonists. The ratio and chances are as follows:

<1% = 90%

3% = 80%

5% = 60%

8% = 40%

9.99% = 10%

>10% = 0%

This creates a vast array of gameplay choices that you may want to incorporate as part of your strategy. Very exciting!

In addition, Pirates have the (10%) ability to kidnap newly arriving (rEON minted) Colonists and Pirates. There’s always a danger lurking.

Stake — Pirates tax 20% of rEON mined by staked Colonists. All new Colonist arrivals (i.e. mints paid for with rEON or EON) have a 10% chance of being kidnapped.

Claim —Pirates retain 100% of their collected rEON.

Unstake —Pirates retain 100% of collected rEON.

Ai-Lax Pirate Ranks: Though they are a ragtag agglomeration, the Pirates take their hierarchy seriously. Each ship captain displays a jewel indicating the class of ship they pilot and hence their placement in the organization. They are as follows (in order of increasing rarity and position):

Rank: 5 | Badge: Edge Green | Class: Corvette
Rank: 6 | Badge: Scarred Orange | Class: Ballistic
Rank: 7 | Badge: Tensor Blue | Class: Destroyer
Rank: 8 | Badge: Solar Gold | Class: Harbinger
Rank: 8 | Badge: Unmarked | Class: Dreadnought

The Fabled Eonite in various forms

Eonite Deposits (rEON)

rEON is the “raw” form of Eonite deposits mined within the game. rEON can be used to mint new Colonists and many other future utilities will be implemented as the game evolves.

The EON coin is a representative of the value of Eonite deposits in the Shattered EON universe. It undergirds all taxation and commerce, as well as serving as the power source for all technological activities.

Use rEON to hire (mint) new Colonists (EON for later Gens), pay annexation fees when joining the Ai-Lax Pirates, and, as yet undisclosed, in-world elements. rEON is mined by staking your Colonist and Pirate NFTs and is only usable “in-world”.

rEON can, however, be refined into EON which is tradable on the open market, can be used to hire (mint) new Colonists, or purchase the Amalgam Shards, EON liquor: Onosia , and Much More.

rEON is an ERC-1155 asset and can be traded on OpenSea along with your NFTs. We did this to ensure that everyone has a chance to play as they wish when it comes to onramps or offramps.

The Refinery

Colonists and Ai-Lax Pirates will need to convert their hard-earned rEON into the powerful and coveted EON by way of the ore processing machines and enrichment processes only found at The Refinery.

Pylon; The Refinery

The Refinery is a unique facility positioned in line with a super massive blackhole’s plasma jet stream—the only power source deemed sufficient to run the facility and purification process. The distance to reach it and effects of time dilation limit the rate at which EON can be retrieved from submitted rEON.

For every 13,000 rEON deposited into this refinery, it will output at 9750 EON per day. This helps to control supply entering the ecosystem and give everyone a chance to accumulate at a throttled pace for a timeframe that matches our development roadmap goals.

EON Emissions and Tokenomics

There are 6,250,000,000 rEON available to mine on Pytheas. Based on initial scans we have noticed some deposits occurring under the surface but we are not yet sure what lies beneath the crust.

The total EON available after all refinery conversions and output before deflation is 5,000,000,000 tokens.

Our deflation structure will be very aggressive early on to reward users with a hefty amount of decision making during play and introductions to most of the basic mechanics needed throughout the game.

Orbit 1 will consist of core gameplay mechanics including minting, staking, burning, and refining. We have some special surprises throughout the game for weary space travelers and enterprising nomads.

2.7k per Colonist/day generates at a stable rate for the current mechanics, This will later be reduced to make the game balance even tighter for future Orbits. Consider this your best chance to make your name known in the galaxy before word spreads across the cosmos.

Minting — Shattered EON will have 5 generations of possible mint tiers and they are as follows:

Gen 0 mint = .08 eth (1-10,000)

Gen 1 mint = 4k rEON (10,001–19,999)

Gen 2 mint = 16k rEON (20,000–29,999)

Gen 3 mint = 48k rEON (30,000–39,999)

Gen 4 mint = 98k EON (40,000–49,999)

Gen 5 mint = 200k EON (50,000–60,000)

This will be subject to review of gameplay data, and the possibility of closing off a generation of mints until they are needed further will be considered. You can theorize game flow all day but the community will ultimately shape these decisions.

There will be other utility options for your rEON and EON as Orbit 1 progresses so be mindful of that as you play the game and be sure you risk only what is needed, it may be harder to acquire later on. We have some surprises in store for everyone :)

EON liquor: Onosia

The ambrosial beverage of the Imperial Guild. Prized for its aroma, complex flavor palette, and psychoactive properties. It is rumored to also provide healing and life extension. Non-Guild members (i.e. Colonists and Pirates) only gain access to the draught through the black market and backalley connections.

Quaffable Luminous Onosia

Onosia is the one item Pirates are occasionally willing to accept as a bribe when new Colonists are being brought to Pytheas (i.e. rEON and EON purchase mints). However, because the Pirates can obtain their own Onosia on occasion, they will only accept the bribe half the time it is offered.

tl;dr: When holding Onosia only 5% of mints that are not genesis will be stolen by Pirates and 5% of the time the Onosia will be taken.

Amalgam Shards

These crystals are naturally occurring Eonite deposits that are infused with an unknown mixture of other elements from the planet. Exactly how they have been formed is still unknown, but the Guild scientists have discovered that each of the four types has different power capabilities when combined with some of the current technologies. They have made shard frames available for Colonists to place discovered crystals into to protect them until the time for their use.

Thus far there are four different Amalgam Shards known to occur on Pytheas. All that is known about them at this time are the designations given by the Guild: Phantom, Spear, Temple, and Riot.


The Shattered EON team has worked tirelessly to ensure everyone has a smooth and prosperous experience during the first phases of gameplay. We took a novel approach at some mechanical aspects in order to achieve a balance that persists in all future releases of the project, this has also been based on average user interaction and participation. You, as a player, will shape the value of assets and pace of each Orbit in the game, so this part will be exciting to watch unfold in real time.

We have removed the possibility of exploits exponentially by shifting to a user risk system where the reward is high but you have to be playing the game to achieve this opportunity. That being said nothing in life is ever guaranteed so we will have systems in place to cut off any bad actors rapidly if we notice certain circuit breakers getting tripped. There are a few hidden functions that will cull most of these attempts though and we took the extra time to make sure, at the end of the day, this is primarily a fun and immersive game without the need to focus on anything other than building your empire for future mechanics.

We want to thank everyone in advance for joining us on this journey and we promise to keep things interesting the whole way through!

