Mint Guideline & Relaunch Mechanism

3 min readJan 17, 2023

Phase 1: Minting

Whitelist Mint price: (up to 3 mints per wallet)
Second NFT: 0.009 ETH
Third NFT: 0.01 ETH

Start on: Tuesday, January 31st 2023 @2PM UTC

Public Mint price: (up to 3 mints per wallet)
Second NFT: 0.009 ETH
Third NFT: 0.01 ETH

Starts on: Tuesday, January 31st 2023 @4PM UTC

Collection size: 6,969

You will be able to mint tickets and each wallet can mint up to 3 tickets. The Phase 1 mint will be a standard ERC721A contract, with 6,969 items displayed on OpenSea.

The team will mint 500 NFTs before the mint starts of which 327 NFTs will be airdropped to the people that were part of the snapshot last week as a thank you for their trust.

The remaining 173 NFTs will be used by the team for partnerships, marketing, and staff payments.

Phase 2: Selection & Customisation

Start on: 72 hours (3 days) after tickets are sold-out and will last for TBA.

1 Ticket NFT = 1 YEYE NFT + 3 Free Traits

During this phase you will be able to burn your ticket and construct your YEYE. 1 Ticket NFT is redeemable for 1 YEYE NFT and 3 Free Traits. You can add and upgrade traits for your YEYE and mint the claimed NFT. All unclaimed tickets will automatically be converted into a base YEYE once Phase 3 begins.

The first THREE chosen traits are free excluding Special, Collabs and Animated traits. You can choose to add-on traits which will be calculated based on the order of your choice. Make sure to choose the order carefully and efficiently.

The same way you would wear your blazers before putting on a suit, the visibility of traits will also be determined by the order of traits you choose. Therefore, what you choose is what you get.

Pricing of Add-on Traits:
Bronze: 0.009 ETH
Silver: 0.0149 ETH
Gold: 0.019 ETH
Animated: 0.029 ETH
Special: 0.049 ETH
Collab: 0.069 ETH

Examples (based on order of choice):
A: Gold, Gold, Bronze, Gold, Gold — The minter will be charged for TWO Gold traits.
B: Gold, Gold, Gold, Bronze, Gold — The minter will be charged with ONE Gold and ONE Bronze Trait.
C: Special, Collab, Animated, Gold, Gold — The minter will be charged ONE Special, ONE Collab, and ONE Animated.

Phase 3: Deconstruction & Reconstruction

This phase will allow users to deconstruct/reconstruct their NFTs. During this phase, the traits collection will open. Our dashboard will be live, enabling you to deconstruct your NFT into separate NFTs in our dashboard, attach new traits and trade your existing ones.

Legendary Airdrop Raffle:

Each Ticket NFT you hold from the first Phase will accumulate as cans.

1 Ticket NFT = 1 Can

A snapshot will be taken before Phase 2 begins and will be announced once completed. The Can raffle will be conducted with specific time and date to follow. The prize pool includes up to 16 Legendary YEYE Traits which will be raffled and airdropped.

We hope to see you in YEYEVERSE soon!




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