Bored Check Yacht Club

Bored Check YC
2 min readFeb 10, 2023

The Bored Check Yacht Club (BCYC) is a new project to enter into the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and digital art. This collection draws inspiration from the popular Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Collection and the Checks — VV Design project, resulting in a unique collection of Pixelated check mark pattern Skull NFTs.

Example of BCYC Skull NFTs

Why Skulls

The team at 8BW3 chose the skull as their subject because it resembles the BAYC icon, which has become a well-known symbol in the NFT space. This made it a natural selection for us to use the skull as the main subject for our Bored Check Yacht Club NFT collection.

Why Checks

The use of Checks in an NFT was introduced by Checks — VV Design just recently. They made use of the Check to pay homage to the first verified account on twitter more than 10 years ago now. So for us to incorporate the checks to illustrate and build the design of the skulls came naturally.

Impactful PFP Skull NFTs

What is the Utility?

Going back to the basics, all holders of the BCYC NFT possesses full intellectual property rights and has the ability to use the NFT in any manner they desire. Primarily, the Skulls are serving as striking profile pictures and accompanying individuals on their adventures in the web3 universe.

In Closing

To conclude, we would like to clarify that BCYC is not associated with the Bored Ape Yacht Club or Checks — VV. Instead, we are simply appreciating the artistic talent and brilliance of these two projects while creating our own project and artwork that pays homage to their style and merges both in a fresh and entertaining way.



Bored Check YC

For the 🤍 of NFTs - WGMI, building for the future as early pioneers.