6 min readSep 26, 2022

My last medium article was a 25 minute read
Lets make this one a bit more straight forward

What to expect with Phase 1?
- Full Utility list is in Discord, but we view this collection as more of a ‘social experiment’ that we can have fun with, as opposed to something serious.
We are very lenient, have pretty much no rules beyond no undercutting/paperhanding, and offer anything that comes our way to our holders. So far, this has been alpha calls, thousands of collabs/wl spots, tools/analytics like Tokun and Trippy Node, giveaways, airdrops, AMAs (more recently SYS AMAs), and has overall just been us throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. What do the holders want, what do we need to actually build a community, how much transparency can we offer while still leaving a sense of mystery & ‘fomo’. I’d say the team and I have learned a great deal from running Phase 1, and it’s been a major success in my books. We took a degen free mint with no roadmap beyond hitting ‘1 ETH FP’, who’s slogan was literally ‘Overpromise Underdeliver’, and flipped it on it’s head. Our main goal was always to just give a nice ‘fuck you’ to the current market, and the NFT space as a whole, since we believe things need to change. Yet, we also understand the market. Free mint is the meta, and it comes with it’s limitations, specifically financially, it opens the doors to a different type of consumer, ones that tend to hop in, never care to learn about the team/project, and sell for whatever they can, since it’s all profit. This was definitely a struggle at first, and I think at this point I’ve spent more time and money focusing on fighting to stay alive against those people, then I even made from the project as a whole. That’s ok though, it’s been fun. We ALWAYS have had a plan, but some things need to work themselves out first. So, let’s talk Phase 2…

What to expect with Phase 2?
- I want to make one thing clear right off the bat, I don’t care what the FP is on Phase 1, I’m not going to inflate it just to drop a second collection. Most projects tend to do this so their OG collection can be looked at as the highest valued ‘Genesis’ of their project, but we are focused on other things. For those of you that want to look at Phase 2 as a ‘fresh start’, that’s totally fine, but we will continue to build and deliver to holders of Phase 1 throughout the entirety of Phase 2, but I just don’t see it as our ‘Genesis’ because a lot of the values attached to it, do not actually represent even a fraction of what we are going to do with the 1 ETH FP ecosystem.
So… Phase 2, ideally we’d like to launch this mid October, but I will not even begin to talk about a mint date until everything on the Dev/Artwork side is 100% ready to go, I refuse to repeat the mistakes that were made from Phase 1, anything from the minting experience to the unrevealed image not showing, or the website not being mobile friendly, etc. This will be our main focus until we release the mint date, optimization. The smart contract is ready, the artwork is going to take a bit longer, the website is undergoing it’s upgrades as we speak.
So if we look at Phase 1 as our ‘degen’ collection, then Phase 2 is more what I would consider our version of a ‘blue chip’ collection. We are dropping the speech bubbles, stepping up our quality of artwork, with not only a fully animated collection, but several different animations, based on rarity. 10 different animations to be exact, which will tell a story once they are all put together… as well as 10 different animated 1/1s.
We will be introducing Staking, Tokenomics and a Marketplace, right off the bat. This isn’t something we’re going to mint and then make you all wait months while we say we’re ‘building’. It’s already ready. We will carry over some utilities from Phase 2 as well, but after mint, new things will come to Phase 1 independently from Phase 2, and vice versa. We are heavily also focusing on the gaming aspect with with Phase 2, we are already partnered with several different ‘metaverse’ platforms/games, like Red Astro Wars, Dojo Warriors, Dolia Cats, Metatopia etc. that will allow holders to directly integrate their NFTs as playable characters, as well as earn any of the benefits from their ecosystem, for holding ours. We are rolling out new tools like Tiny Astro, Fade Mints, Tokun, Omnikit etc. blue chip giveaways, more partnerships etc. We are working with Go Art Metaverse, NFT Mansions and Fireverse to build us our own land in their ecosystems. We are working with The Estates to build us a clubhouse in The Otherside once the game launches. We are working with a high quality, reputable web 2 brand to create our merch, We are working with a team of 60 Devs to create a mobile app experience… I won’t share EVERYTHING, but I think you get the point. This is why we put so much work into our Phase 2 announcement video, which you can find here.
Right now we are looking at around a 7k supply, free mint for holders, with an overallocated paid public mint. There will be several snapshots taken before mint to solidify which Phase 1 holders will be allowed a Phase 2 mint, and how many mints per person etc. The reasoning for our supply is we needed to be able to market some spots to the public as we rebrand ourselves, as well as those who won spots in our Discord after the Phase 1 mint, but don’t get it twisted. Phase 2 is going to be primarily a holders only mint. We are being extremely strict on the amount of spots we are giving out for collabs this time around, and are even implementing an interview process for everyone before they are able to even mint. We are very focused on making it known that the easiest way to actually get your hands on a Phase 2, is by holding a Phase 1. Specifically that you get to mint as many Phase 2’s as you hold Phase 1s as a way to incentivize those that have stocked up while the entry point is still cheap.

What to expect in the future…?
- Well, for those of you that stay up to date, you may have noticed a tweet that needed to be decoded, that simply said ‘Passive Income’. I can’t speak too much on it at the moment, but let’s just say it falls in line with the other tweet mentioning how ‘Our story ends on 1/11/23’
1 ETH FP will be a trilogy collection, ending with our Phase 3. I have a lot to say about it already, and can’t wait to be able to share everything about it. Let’s just say you MAY want to hold onto your Phase 1s and Phase 2s…
Fine I’ll just say it, it will be a very small, exclusive collection, of only our true, dedicated holders that have stuck with us through all of this, and it will squish ALL of the utilities, partnerships and future plans into one small group of people. These people will be considered team members, and automatically have access to absolutely everything we do for years to come. And to get your hands on one, well… you must set fire to Phase 1 and Phase 2. IYKYK. Phase 3 will also have direct access to PPP and PS. That’s the only thing I can say regarding ‘big announcements coming in December / February.’


I will drop more information as it becomes publicly available, as well as a full roadmap with in depth details regarding each one, closer to mint.
Thanks for reading!

— Beegoe.

