Cake One
4 min readJul 25, 2022


Fragmented Pixel collection.

Fragmented Pixels : What is more rare than 1/1 Art?
… a Quarter to One Art.

Meet Pixel.

Pixel is an AI living in a little virtual white box.
She has 4 modes:

She can

  • Talk with you
  • Educate you
  • Flirts with you
  • Comfort you

She’s been in this little white box for so long that she got fragmented.

Each of her avatar was broken in 4 parts and she needs your help to be whole again.

What you have to do is find and collect the 4 parts of a single Pixel so she’s whole again.

4 modes are represented by 4 colors :

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Red

Each Mode has 5 Pixels to rebuild.
This means that each colors has 20 1/4 pieces to assemble 4 by 4 to create a whole Pixel.

When all Pixels are rebuilt, there will be

  • 5 Red Pixels
  • 5 Yellow Pixels
  • 5 Blue Pixels
  • 5Green Pixels

When you collected the 4 pieces that fit together, you have the choice to keep the 4 pieces as they are and expose them like that in your galleries , or exchange them for a whole unique 1/1

For now, only the 4 listed modes are enabled, each individually.

Soon, they will mix up for a RAINBOW addition, with specific new framented Pixels, allowing you to choose your own rainbow assembly by mixing the colors how you see fit.


- Where can i find the collection?

Here is the official opensea link:

- How do i find the pieces that fit together?

Each piece has 3 properties :

  • The color
  • The group
  • The place

If you have for instance, a “Blue, group 2, top right”, all you have to do is search for any other “blue, group 2” that will complete the puzzle.

- What do i do if a piece i’m a looking for is not for sale or belongs to another collector?

Make them an offer.

That’s also the purpose of this collection : connecting people.

- Can i see how all the images will look like so i can choose which part i want to collect?

The 20 first Fragmented pixels will look like this once they are whole again.

- What happens if i need a piece that has been airdropped to a collector that is not in the space anymore for whatever reason?

This potential issue has been taken into consideration and a solution has been found that will add even more fun and rarity to the whole project.

So should you have 3 pieces of the same Pixels with the absolute impossibility to gain the 4th piece, something is ready that will be disclosed at a later date.

(To be updated)

