LINE — A nonlinear history

3 min readOct 16, 2021

The NFT Movement is born of Internet culture, Blockchain technology, and Art. To say that any one of these is more, or less important than the other is akin to breaking one of the legs in a tripod. It can’t stand on its own.

As the NFT movement gained popularity — and I call it a movement, because it really is changing lives, and giving more power back into the hands of Artists and communities — more and more people turned towards collectibles. In the real world collectibles are an asset class of their own, with market dynamics applicable to them. Rarity and age of the commodity always demand a premium. We saw this to be extremely true with Cryptopunks that sit at the top of the pyramid. As their runaway success was studied, and adopted, more and more collectible projects launched, with varied Art in many styles. Bored Ape Yacht Club became the prime example of this, and was exceedingly successful.

What is successful shall be copied! The floodgates were now open to all kinds of projects and people’s wallets would now resemble a zoo. Many projects offered a short term jump in value and a window into making a great sum of money! With money come unscrupulous heads looking to capitalise on the opportunity. Pump and Dump! We saw that this movement had veered far from the three legs it needs to stand on!

Thus we thought we should bring some semblance of balance, power of the Meme, and strong aesthetic minimalism to the space. The LINE was born. We call it “Mememalism”
The lines are generated individually by Code, each unique, and different. The simplicity and highly approachable and affordable construct in terms of community and pricing make this project unique.

We want more and more people to have LINES. But how many are there? 1 is a line. And so we went with 11,111 lines. With the price per line of 0.011 ETH. We believe this highly affordable pricing works well for people who just want to get into a project and not miss out, as well as established players who want to expand their collection.

We want to work closely with our community, and hence we’ve kept an early access system for our LINE Ambassadors. The first 111 people who are part of our community Discord are asked only to sport their LINE as their PFP and they shall receive it for FREE! These early access members and ambassadors will be given the mint link first. And then we shall open it up to the public. To join our Discord, you may DM Dr. SoundwavesPhoton or Digipedia on Twitter.

This is a landmark project, a departure from copycat animal based PFPs, paving the way for more abstract thought. Alone, it’s just one line. Together, we are powerful enough to change the timeLINE of projects.




A storyteller using Poetry and Paint to present vivid and striking narratives using a different approach. Find all my work at