🎟️ DeadTickets —The Green Room

2 min readAug 22, 2021
Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

The DeadHeads Green Room is opening!

In here, DeadHeads who own Tickets will be able to exchange their ‘DeadTickets’ for assets from the series.

These tickets are your way of accessing pieces of history from the animated series. Imagine owning Arya’s sword ‘Needle’ from GOT. Or owning Tegridy Farms from South Park.

These assets vary in rarities and the number of tickets required to burn. Choose wisely how you spend your tickets!

Tickets remaining at the end of season 1 will play a HUGE role in the big finale event… you will want to hold onto some!

This is why assets in the Green Room are intentionally rare, people will need tickets for the finale and we want the assets available to have added value from rarity.

How It Works

Earlier tickets #’s get access to the green room first and it will incrementally become available for later tickets in batches.

The first 1000 tickets will be the first in, afterwards the order is as follows, all time in PST:
0-1000 = 12pm
<2500 = 2pm
<5000 = 4pm
<7500 = 6pm
<10000 = 8pm

For each batched increment, collectors with a matching low ticket number will have exclusive access to the assets in the Green Room for a period of 2 hours like a kid in a gasless candy shop.

NOTE: that the batch sizes and cutoffs will be changed every episode.

The tickets in your wallet that get burned are the LOWEST ticket(s), meaning if your low ticket # gets burned you will lose the ability to mint inthe green room until access is opened up to include your new lowest number.

Available Episode One Assets

  • Episode 1 script (edition 100, 1 ticket)
  • The Rocket used to launch Damien into space (edition 10, 1 ticket)
  • Damiens Tombstone (edition 5, 3tickets)
  • Infographic in waiting room (edition 5, 2 tickets)
  • Middle finger elevator level guide (edition 20, 2 tickets)
  • Receptionists clipboard (edition 10, 1 ticket)
  • Iconic scenes and frames (edition 10, 1 ticket)

Good luck minting some of the most iconic pieces of DeadHeads…so far!

