RBOTS | An introduction.

6 min readMar 7, 2022

Planning an NFT launch, especially your first, can be a very daunting prospect. There are seemingly infinite angles that need to be considered, outside of the ‘easy’ part of having the artist hand draw the collection assets - in the case of RBOTS, this is 4242 NFTs!

When the concept of RBOTS was first mentioned, the emphasis from the founder was of quality on every level. It’s the first thing as a group we hammered out as essential for the project. What we’re trying to achieve here is as far away from the current NFT project ‘norm’ - where assets are released with little thought to how the project will run - as I’ve seen in this space.

We won’t be the first project to offer physical assets alongside our NFT collection, but we intend to try and be the best. We have spent weeks talking about, and sourcing, what we believe to be the finest materials, that RBOT owners would be proud to display in their homes. Dozens of samples checked for quality. This isn’t a standard 18 x 24" poster print.

For those that don’t know, the collection is created by our wonderfully talented artist, Jiggles. He’s a young man of only fourteen, and happens to have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). There is so much we could say about how in awe of Jiggles we are. You can read more about his story here.

Autism can be quite an isolating condition that commonly causes difficulty communicating in social environments. In Jiggle’s specific case, he uses art as an outlet to express himself, but it also helps to build his confidence surrounding ‘strangers’ in the outside world. Our team is constantly learning, eager to understand ASD, and how Jiggle’s art is viewed as a medium exploring emotions (you’ll notice that RBOTS all express a variety of them).

One of the original RBOT samples from Jiggles.

RBOTS | The NFT collection.

As a team we think that inclusion is absolutely integral to the project. We’ve seen projects come and go by setting high fixed mint prices that exclude those who cannot afford the costs. Because of this, RBOTS will have a tiered mint price. Each tier will offer additional benefits, but ultimately the base NFT artwork should be affordable. We’ll soon be releasing another Medium article outlining the different tiers, pricing and the perks that come with them. For now, we’ll just show a couple of snippets of what we’re planning for the physical items available via the higher tiers.

Post-launch we fully intend to have a shop where an increasing amount of physical items are available, all kept to our high quality standard.

An example? How about your NFT laser etched within English crystal? I hope you can see from the picture below how beautiful these are. We certainly hope these will be adorning many office desks going forward!

A sample NFT etched into finest English crystal.

We’ve tried to think about every detail, and the truth is, we’re still finalising certain elements, such as packaging that meets our standards. It’s the little touches that make something feel special, not just the shiny stuff. We’re determined to make these sets feel premium, and good value.

A custom wax seal for our authenticity certificates.

The highest tier will have all physical elements packaged together in a strictly limited edition set (420 units). Whilst it’ll be possible to buy these items individually post-mint (once the shop goes live), buying via the mint process will be the only time they’re available together as a set. Again, more details on these items will be released in the coming days.

There will also be a supply of super/ultra rares, and 1:1’s within the RBOTS collection. These will be randomly assigned, and so good luck to those who mint them! Reveals will be approximately one week post-mint, to prevent bots buying up the rarest traits.

A hand-drawn ultra rare RBOT from Jiggles

RBOTS | What about utilities?

We’ve looked closely at utilities surrounding the set too. It’s almost a necessity within NFT projects to have a roadmap. With RBOTS we’re planning various utilities, some to be announced at a later date. We currently have a team working on wireframe modelling RBOTS, the intention being that RBOT owners will be able to import their RBOT ‘skin’ into their favourite (compatible) games. Imagine playing Fortnite as your favourite RBOT!

A first peak at a wireframe RBOT skin

Furthermore, we propose an optional utility where a user can allow their NFT to be used for merchandising, earning a 20% royalty commission on the proceeds. Basically, if someone loves the RBOT you have, and you’re signed up to the royalties scheme, you’d automatically earn royalties on any physical items sold from the RBOTS store that features your RBOT.

The physical RBOT collectibles also carry a one-off utility, that we’re currently ironing out the details with the dev team. Because all collectibles are high quality, we’re implementing it so the RBOT featured doesn’t have to be the one that was minted with it. We want you to love your RBOT, and the collectibles that come with it, so we’re looking to make this utility deferable. This means if you wanted to instead find the RBOT you love on the secondary market, you can then redeem by linking your wallets to the website to prove ownership and order your physical items for your chosen RBOT.

There are some great prizes linked to certain special traits within the mint process, there is also a once in a lifetime prize for the person who mints the unique Spaceman RBOT. More information on these prizes will be released with the pricing structure.

As with most utilities, RBOT owners have the option to sell their NFT’s on the secondaries market instead of redeeming the prizes, which would transfer the utility to the new owner. This is of course your choice, but these utilities can only be redeemed once.

RBOTS | The future?

We have lofty ambitions here. We want the long-term to be as interesting as the short term, but these things will take time. Our aim is for ‘JigglesSpace’to become an entire ecosystem. Derivatives, P2E gaming, real-life NFT events / meetups and more.

We thank you for taking the time to read this article and hope you can see the potential we’re putting so much effort into making a reality. Hopefully we’ll see you at launch! Our main socials are linked at the bottom of this page, come say hi ! - We have various quizzes, planned giveaways, and whitelist opportunities running in the Discord, as well as a Gleam competition.

Our dev artist’s concept art of Jiggles

RBOTS | Social links.

Discord - https://discord.gg/UegeErHHXg

Telegram - https://t.me/rbotnft

Twitter - https://twitter.com/rbotsNFT

Jiggle’s Twitter (managed) - https://twitter.com/jigglesspace

Website (Estimated within the next week).

