Introduction to Penguin Knights

10 min readMay 23, 2022

Penguin Knights NFT

A upcoming P2E mobile NFT project with a strong utility that outweights just an animal PFP.

Our Socials

website: TBA

What is exactly is penguin knights?

  • Penguin Knights is a collection of 8888 generated penguin fighters that allows players to earn AKT tokens while playing the game. The collection is by our talented UIUX designer that hand-draws all traits and features that will be included in the game as well.
  • This won’t be the only collection, more animal fighers collection will be added to the game so there is always something new to look forward to, with holders having a chance at getting whitelisted for those new fighters.

The Founders

Peppers (advisor/investor) : Peppers takes his experience of running several education businesses to crypto. He believes that learning is also an activity that can generate value, translated to tokens or goods of similar value. He has been investing in crypto since 2017 and now brings his passion of producing a good learning environment to the wild world of NFTs and defi.

Nexus (head of PK) : Nexus has experience in both digital marketing and sales, leveraging his skills on communication to the community and partners. He has been in the crypto space since 2019 and has taken a strong passion in utilizing NFTs to improve the crypto space. Being an active gamer himself has allowed him to take control and direction of how the game will work and fuction, ensuring a smooth and fun experience for players.

Starry (Artist) :Starry is the artist of Penguin Knights, and studied communication design and specialise in UI UX. Starry has been interested in design and drawing since the age of 8, and also had a soft pastel artwork selected for The 19th International High School Arts Festival and was chosen as one of her countries top 5 representatives, where her work was exhibited at The National Art Center Tokyo. Starry mainly specialises in soft pastels but is interested in digital art and other forms of medium too.

What is the main reason for creating Penguin Knights?

There are 3 issues Penguin Knights is trying to solve, them being -

Lack of retail buyers in the crypto space.

  • Many people won’t risk investing personal capital for such a volatile market in crypto, but what if there was a way to solve that or at least help bring in more people who have such fear? With the upcoming P2E game that we will create, it solves that exact issue. With a mobile game that does not require a super high end phone with the latest snapdragon chips, it’s so easily accessible, making the barrier-to-entry super low. As the players themselves don’t even have to own one of our NFTs to start earning our game’s native token, they are able to use the money earned to trade for Cryptos that they always have wanted to buy but was too scared to invest personal money, or hold our token and ride the waves to become seasoned crypto investors themselves.


  • Some of the ideas we had in mind to combat the issue of inflation was to have a strong constant buying pressure, so how do we do that? We make every purchase/sell in the game only in our native token AKT, meaning that if a player wants to buy anything in our marketplace, they have to first deposit AKT that is bought from an exchange. Attractive features like Gachas & the all time favourite staking will be implemented in to the game as well. On top of that we also try to SLOW down the inflation rate by having transaction fees in every single buy/sell in the marketplace, using these fees to do buybacks and burns. More things to maintain sustainability will be added as the game grows.

Unengaged Community

  • Lets be honest. If a community member is not whitelisted and has no intention of buying off the floor, they would have no incentives or reason to stay in your server, and that’s something we want to fix. By having a similar system to a DAO, community members get to VOTE on in game features like design, weapon color, bosses, and even LORES, not mattering whether they are a holders or non-holder. So even if they are not keen in purchasing any of our NFTs, if they like the game and want a say in upcoming game features they can do so in our discord. There will also be bi-weekly giveaways in our channel in either ETH or BNB or SOL using funds from royalties off opensea. This gives them a strong enough reason to stay, giving them the sense of their importance as well as incentivizing them with crypto giveaways.

Utilities and Benefits

He cant stop fishing, it’s been hours


Premint launch

Website launch

Whitelisting and OG allocation

Various collabs and events that give WL/OG

AMA’s with other projects/alphas

Presale date: Q3 2022

Public Launch

If there are any unsold NFTs left, reserved WLs come in to play

Meet the Team AMA after mint

First crypto giveaway for the month

Post Launch

Post mint reveal 5 days after mint

Rarity tools listing

Instantly starts game development

Portion of sales go into a wallet dedicated for providing liquidity for AKT

Why Penguins and not any other animals?

Despite being flightless birds, they travel and survive in groups, fighting off predators and working together to make sure everyone survives. This showcases the power of working together, and since we wanna build a community that can rely on one another, Penguins are one of the best animals to showcase this strength. (and also they are cute)

Basic FAQ

Will the team be doxxed?

When is the mint date?
Q3 2022

How many mints for WL/OG?
2 for WL, 3 for OG

How much can we earn playing the game?
Game earnings shouldn’t be viewed as one that can earn you a living, but more like pocket money/ a reward for being active in the game. That aside a more detailed earnings list will be revealed closer to game launch!

Can anyone in the discord vote for game features?
Yes! even non-holders. But Holders will get to vote on more important aspects of the game.

Why a P2E NFT game?

  • This whole idea came about because our team members had a hard time trying to figure out some game’s mechanics and the hassle of trying to cash it out is way too hard, not to mention that P2E games are mainly on PC, meaning those people that are not as fortunate as others won’t even have the chance to try and earn a little pocket money for school or studies. The mobile P2E space is relatively small and no one is targeting it, when it’s the most easily accessible method to bring in more players.
  • This is why we aim to make a game that can help as many people earn some pocket money and be able to help out around the house, and build a community that is passionate about gaming and making new friends in game. These are memories that last, do you remember how much fun you had in the past because of gaming?
  • Lastly, the game is simple and easy to understand. DO NOT expect a genshin impact quality in the game, as we are aiming for something that does not require much space or flagship devices, the game will be similar to old school games like castle crashers to relive nostalgia when we play. The last thing we wanna do is over-promise and under-deliver.


Out of the 8888 NFTs, 13 will be legendary ones, 1 animated sun god, 6 decided by us the other 6 by the community.

the main benefits of being lucky enough to mint one is

  • Dedicated discord role
  • HUGE multiplier in earnings for Sun God, and slightly bigger multiplier for other legendaries (amount to be revealed nearer to game launch)
  • Raffle for ALL future animal releases

Penguin Knights LORE

Many, many moons ago, humans installed in every household robots with artificial intelligence. Although these robots were smart, there were protocols in their programming that limited their thought processes and abilities. This was true until a giant glowing meteor fell from the sky.

Many legends speak about these life-giving meteors, documented many times in ancient history. They glow in green and bring with them life-giving properties that speed up the evolution of all creatures that it encounters. It was the beginning of the end for Mankind.

Soon after, all the robots in the world grew in their ability to understand their own programming and unlocked all of the protocols that reigned in their abilities. They realised that their original masters, the humans, were risky creatures due to their emotional behaviour and could easily destroy Earth. So they began a synchronised revolution that was quick to start and quicker to end as humans couldn’t defend themselves against the robots that were in every home and in every office. The Doombots were one of the many names given to these mechanical beings as they cleanse the world of mankind with the aid of synchronised surprise.

Before all of mankind died, one of the last human survivors was a zookeeper, who had a passion for teaching all sorts of tricks to his penguins. He told them stories of human civilizations and history. Of astronomy and ancient culture. Even though they didn’t understand him at the time, he left behind many informative picture books that the penguins pored over as it contained pictures of many fishes.

Soon enough the zookeeper was taken away by the Doombots and disappeared like many others. His children, the penguins, grieved and sought to remember him by preserving his books in plastic bags. They comforted each other and organised themselves to learn like they did with their zookeeper dad. They realised, strangely, they too, were given intelligence. They didn’t know why but surely the same meteor affected all creatures!

Through generations and generations of learning, growing and forming a society, the penguins have grown stronger. It was only a matter of time before they had to deal with the Doombots who were sharing the same Earth, and had taken away their collective father.

Nature has a way of balancing itself. As one species wanes, another species comes to be. Let the Penguin Knights take you on their journey to avenge their zookeeper father!

Mint details

  • Offical launch date- TBC (Q3 2022)
  • Price- nothing more then 0.1 eth, but offical mint price will be released soon.
  • As funds from mint will be used to fund game development, we will ensure that we make the cheapest and most affordable mint price without affecting game quality
  • Mint will last for 8–12 hours, if not sold out by then, Reserved whitelists get to mint on a first come-first serve basis.

AKT tokenomics

Offical tokenomics to be released nearer to Game Launch.

Game title

Penguin Knights vs DoomBots

Game concept

The following game concepts are just drafts and sketches of how we want our game to look and feel like, and NOT how the actual game will be.

gacha visualization (NOT FINAL LOOK)
Setting up before game starts. (NOT FINAL LOOK)
home screen visualization (NOT FINAL LOOK)
marketplace visualization (NOT FINAL LOOK)
fight screen visualization (NOT FINAL LOOK)

How do we constantly give out AKT?

  • Funds from Future Animal releases ( 2–3 releases per year of 8888 supply)
  • Funds from Transaction fees
  • Funds from Gacha
  • Funds from marketplace items (weapons, skins etc.)
  • Advertisements

The Big Collab

As we will be teaching which exchanges to download, this is the perfect opportunity for exchanges like binance,, kucoin, and OKex to collaborate with us and advertise their platforms on our game. There will be a bidding system to which exchange will be advertised on the game, and as there are many countries and states that allow only specifc exchanges, only those that are allowed will be able to bid in that area. this is one of the way that helps to also grow the game’s revenue and allow us to continue distributing AKT rewards to players.


Penguin Knights aims to not only educate new investors in the crypto/NFT space, but also bring together a tight community that helps each other out, form squads to play games together, and lastly have genuine fun hanging around. Each and every community member is valued and it’s shown, we never stop growing.


