Turtle Moons WhitePaper


4 min readApr 18, 2022


Turtle Moons NFT is a collection of 6666 uniquely and randomly auto-generated Turtles on Ethereum Blockchain.

Our core dev team all work for the largest technology companies in the world, you most likely use one of the features we helped to build everyday. Turtle Moons NFT is not just any JPEG NFT project. We are pushing the technology boundary of decentralized blockchain and NFT by building a Metaverse of Turtle Moons, in which owners of Turtles can interact with one another in a Virtual Reality world, transact with Shells as a currency, get rewarded through Metaverse utilities for contributing to the Metaverse and holding Turtle Moons. The possibilities are endless in the Metaverse. Each Turtle NFT is a key allowing the holders to enter the Metaverse we are building.

Phase 1: Build the Community

  • Free Mint for 2500 people to grow community
  • Establish social media presense
  • Recruit Moderators
  • Build Turtle Moons NFT smart contract
  • Whitelisting with off-chain signing + on-chain decryption to verify whitelist.
  • Public-sale
  • Free Mint
  • List on Opensea
  • List on Rarible

Phase 2: Build the Utilities

  • Build Turtle Coin smart contract
  • Establish yield ratio and launch process.
  • Presale Shell Coin
  • Build Turtle Swap
  • List Shell Coin on DEXes
  • Turtle Moons NFT holders to claim their Shell Coins
  • List Shell Coin on 1 major CEX
  • Drop merch like Hoodie, T-shirt..

Phase 1: Build the Community

This is the most important Phase and can determine success or failure of the project from the get go. For any project to succeed, it needs a strong and supportive community which shares the same vision of the project.

Free Mint

It all started when we tweeted this tweet to offer Free Mint for first 2000 RTs. In just a few hours, the tweet was retweeted over 2000 times and we saw many members joining our Discord community , all shared the same excitement for our roadmap and long term vision. We knew we had a winner in the making.

Public Sale

Our team stated that Turtle Listed members will mint for FREE. Non listed members will have a public sale for 0.02 ETH each. Max 3 per wallet, so we avoid bots. There will be 2500 reserved for Turtle Listed and the rest for public sale. Mint date will be announced in time. Public will be minted first, Free will follow.

Established Community

After established Discord group we believe we have achieved the goal of phase 1 by building a tight-knit and growing community with over 4000 members who can stand together to overcome any adversity. Next, we shift focus to phase 2 to build the utlities.

Phase 2: Build the Utilities

NFT arts are just the abstraction UI layer on top of the intangible value of the project/community such as early mover advantage (Crypto Punks), exclusive membership and cultural movement (BAYC), subjective artistic value (Beeple), utilities leveraging decentralized blockchain technology to provide value to holders, etc.

The intangible values aforementioned are what determine the floor price of such NFT project. Turtle Moons NFT focuses on providing the added value for our holders through Utilities.

Shell Coin

Shell Coin will be the first utility to be introduced as the currency in the Turtle Moons Metaverse. It can be used to transact within the Metaverse to interact with the contracts for future features, tip a mod or members for their good work or contribution and swap for other Ethereum ERC-20 tokens on decentralized exchanges.

Shell Coin is not only a utility token but also a governance token of the Turtle Moons Metaverse, the more coins you have, the more authority and influence you have for future roadmap and features.

NFT Passive Yield

Each Turtle Moons NFT token passively yields Shell Coin since the block time of Turtle Moons last 6666th token minted in sale. The rarer specie your Turtle is, the more reward it will yield.

This is a NFT utility breakthrough combining the benefits of both Non-fungible Token and Fungible Token to reward NFT holders.

Our advanced & state of the art Shell Coins smart contract will be built with a cross token type bridge so Mutant Coins can validate requests and verify ownership of Turtle Moons NFT even though they are 2 completely different protocols and token types.

Your Turtle Moons will be yielding Mutant Coins from the very beginning.

Shell Swap

The first advanced DEX with NFT focus combining Defi + NFT in 1 platform providing liquidity not only for Shell Coin but also all other blue chip tokens on , an Ethereum EVM L2 blockchain that is high-throughput, scalable, and future-safe platform, with low transaction costs for the users.


  • A simple and intuitive UI
  • High speed decentralized trading with low fees
  • Ability to swap and provide liquidity any ERC20 tokens
  • Liquidity providers incentivized for farming and staking in governance token Shell Coins
  • NFT auto staking.
  • NFT lending and leverage (planned)

Phase 3: Build the Metaverse

Ultimately, we want to build the Turtle Moons Metaverse where Turtle owners can come to interact with each other and feel as real as possible instead of chatting on Discord. Members can build a virtual Turtle world together and transact using Shell Coins to buy goods and services in the Turtle Metaverse.

The possibilities are endeless in the Turtle Moons Metaverse.

