The Full Moon approaches…

Werewolves By Night Studio
2 min readJan 19, 2023

Legends of werewolves stealing humans and meeting at the Mooncrest have been around since ancient times. But up until recently there has not been survivors to live and tell the tale…

The werewolves were said to be shape-shifting creatures, capable of transforming into a wolf-like form at will. They were believed to possess unusual speed, strength, reflexes, and senses, and were said to be able to hunt and attack humans at night.

They were said to gather at the mooncrest, a mythical place of power, where they would feast on their ill-gotten human prey. It was believed that the werewolves would use the mooncrest as a meeting place to discuss their plans and organize their next raid. They were feared by many, and it was said that anyone who encountered them would be cursed and become a werewolf themselves.

It seems the last few moon cycles there has been something different occurring amongst the packs, something very disturbing…

It is said once one becomes a werewolf there is no return but it seems there may be a way back after all. After a new full moon, a certain percentage of said werewolves seem to undergo a transformation. Will these new [Redacted] be accepted within either communities of the humans and werewolves or will they simply get in the way of the hunt?

That choice will be up to you… We will see you at the next full moon.

