Ways Women Hurt Men In A Relationship

The Productivity Revolution
4 min readOct 7, 2015


Originally published at lmt-lss.com on October 7, 2015.

Image Source: huffington

Men are not as expressive as women. They may project a strong demeanor but like women, even men get hurt by a lot of things women do. It’s not just the other way round. Women are more verbal about it and let men know. Men voice out their their feelings only when it goes overboard.

Men are more tolerant but not open about their hurt. This reflects in the relationship as one of the major reasons of the lack of communication in the relationship. If you think your man is distancing himself from you, it is because he’s coping with something you said and/or did.

Men are sensitive too, so do watch what you say to him. Here’s a bunch of big NO-NOs when it comes to treating your man right.

Comparing him

He’s a different individual with a personality that’s unique to him. His ways may not please you all the time, but comparing him to your ex, your dad or anyone for that matter is not going to fix things. This is only going to make him unhappy and think less of himself, instead tell him what he can do differently upfront in a nice way.

Not appreciating him

Image Source: huffington

Good men try their best to do whatever they can to keep you happy and comfortable. If you don’t appreciate his efforts, it makes him feel you are unhappy with him. What men want the most in a relationship is to see their partner happy. If you nag about all the little unwanted details in the relationship, you are indirectly giving him a sign you’re better off without him.

By asking him to choose

If he wants to spend time with his friends, its not because he doesn’t want to spend time with you. Asking him to choose his pals over you or giving him an ultimatum regarding it or any other situation similar to this, is like digging your own grave. Men don’t like being ordered or asked to do what they don’t want to do. You need to share in a mature way that his prioritizing is affecting you.

Insulting him in front of everyone

Men, in general have huge egos. It’s not their fault but it’s just the way they shield themselves to come off as being strong and less sensitive. They have taken a considerate amount of time to be who they are in front of their family and friends. They consider you to be their closest companion and if you say things against him in front of everyone, people will consider it, whether you mean it or not. This is something you should avoid if you don’t want to scar him for a significant period of time.

Making fun of his habits

Image Source: stlbeds

As mentioned earlier, men have huge egos and hurting their ego is not going to take you a long way in the relationship. He may have a funny or an irritating habit that might not please you but that’s when compromising and politeness comes into the picture. Don’t brush of it off in a rude way. They do get affected more strongly than you’ll ever know.

Criticizing his likes/passions

He maybe a huge fan of a football team, a series or a particular sport. Judging him for his passions or his fondness for something is not the way to go. He values you and your opinion and being judgmental about his likes is going to affect him. So be rather supportive or cool about it than say anything negative and pull his spirits down.

Faking the ‘O’

As much men like pleasing women in bed, they like genuine feedback. You don’t have to fake it in bed to make him feel he did job well. Rather just be open about your needs in bed. Most men know when women fake it in bed. If he figures he’s not pleasing you and you’re just pretending, it’s going to upset him. Men are open to suggestions and will do pretty much anything they can to please you in bed. Communicate, don’t hide things.

Stereotyping him

Men like to feel exclusive just like women do. If you say things like, ‘you’re just like any other guy’, you’re telling him indirectly you don’t see his goodness or value him for who he is to you. He needs to feel like he is unlike any other man you’ve met in your life. He is a guy who is worth your time and the man who makes a difference to you.

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