Why Busting ‘Ghostbusters’ Reboot Myths May No Longer Matter

Samantha Riedel
The Establishment
Published in
5 min readAug 19, 2016


Despite my best efforts to the contrary, I have to admit that the magnificently gay, chock-full-o-girl-power Ghostbusters reboot has not been a commercial success. In my heart (an admittedly subjective metric), it’s very successful — I enjoyed just about every moment, (besides the opening queef joke). But sadly, looking at its numbers, there’s no denying it: after a month in theaters…



Samantha Riedel
The Establishment

Writer, comic book freak, professional dork. Work appears on @ESTBLSHMNT, Bitch, McSweeney’s, et al. Too many opinions to possibly be healthy.