Why Isn’t Pornography Part Of Sex Education For Teens?

Nicole Guappone
The Establishment
Published in
8 min readAug 25, 2016


flickr/Original image Sam0ry Pereira Santos

A few months ago, writer and mother Ayelet Waldman tweeted her praise for Peggy Orenstein’s recently released book, Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape. Then she asked her followers: “What are some non-misogynist porn sites to recommend to teens?”

I tweeted at Waldman with a few suggestions: Erika Lust, Tristan Taormino, and Stoya, women who have been…



Nicole Guappone
The Establishment

Writes about sexuality, kink, & sex toys. Also the pelvic floor. @RollingStone @glamourmag @Into @The_Rumpus @RebelliousMag @bust_magazine @ESTBLSHMNT