DNA Evidence Suggests 300 Million Chinese Men Are Descended From Just Three Stone Age Grandfathers

More than 40 per cent of the Chinese Han population can trace their family tree back to three ‘super-grandfathers’ who lived during the Neolithic era 

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog
4 min readOct 24, 2013


Our understanding of human history is currently undergoing a revolution. The technology that makes this possible is fast and cheap DNA sequencing that reveals an individual’s genetic code in just a few hours. By comparing the sequences of different humans, it is possible to work out how they are related and to reconstruct the family tree going back many generations.

What’s more, the geographical distribution of genetic differences also reveals when populations split.

This technique has already revealed much of interest. For example, humans and chimpanzees have a common ancestor that lived some 6 million years ago, modern humans moved out of Africa and into Europe and Asia between 100,000 and 40,000 years ago but humans only began to populate the Americas about 15,000 years ago.

This work is hugely dependent on data. More detailed inferences are only possible with more data from a population. Fortunately, the genetic data that was so hard to come by just 10 years ago has now turned into a plentiful stream, even a fire hose. And new insights about human history are consequently emerging at a fast and furious rate.

Today, Shi Yan at Fudan University in Shanghai and a few pals have gathered blood samples from from 800 Chinese men and selected 110 for detailed genetic analysis. They say the results show that 40% of Chinese men are the descendants of just three men who lived in Neolithic times some 5000 years ago. That’s a total of 300 million men all living today who share three common grandfathers.

What’s more, it may even be possible to identify these super grandfathers by studying Chinese history from that time.

First, some background. The new work is the based on the study of the Y-chromosome, which is passed from father to son in each generation. While sequences from different people are broadly similar, they contain tiny variations called single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs (pronounced ‘snips’) in which one nucleotide in a sequence is replaced by another.

The pattern of SNPs in an individual’s genes is unique. When these differences occur in coding parts of the genome, they can determine much of what makes us different, such as our hair colour and our susceptibility to disease.

But SNPs also occur in non-coding regions of DNA. In fact, the Y-chromosome contains the longest non-recombining sequence in human DNA, and this is passed more or less intact from one generation to the next. That’s why it is particularly useful for determining common ancestors and to reconstruct family trees.

This is exactly what Shu and co have done with over 100 Chinese men in their study. The resulting family tree is complex. It reveals, for example, that the human population split some 54,000 years ago in the migration out of Africa.

But it also points to a more surprising event in China some 5000 years ago in which three populations expanded quickly within 500 years of each other. Each of these populations can be traced to a single man. And yet they now account for more than 40% of today’s Han Chinese population—that’s 300 million living males.

The date is significant too. This period is the late Neolithic age or late Stone Age as it is sometimes called. Although evidence of farming in China dates back about 10,000 years, this new technology spread relatively slowly at first.

But about 5000 years ago, the change to intensive agriculture became more dramatic. “During this period, agriculture became mature and intensive, and the majority of human diet shifted from food collection into production,” they say.

Shi and co’s new evidence suggests that three clans were particularly successful in this. This corresponds to “a remarkable demographic change in the late Neolithic Age,” they say.

The successful switch to farming clearly had an important impact on reproduction. Shi and co speculate that hunting was so dangerous that most males would have died relatively young. But farmers were free to reproduce for longer which allowed the greater spread of the Y-chromosome in the successful groups.

One interesting question is who these super grandfathers might have been. One possibility is that they could be the Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang, two legendary Chinese leaders who date from around this time.

That will not be easy to prove and Shi and co say it will require an interdisciplinary approach that includes genetic data as well as archaeological, ethnic and documentary evidence. A project worth watching, no doubt.

Ref: arxiv.org/abs/1310.3897 : Y Chromosomes of 40% Chinese Are Descendants of Three Neolithic Super-grandfathers

